There are times when we struggle to find a unique idea to celebrate an occasion. Read on if you are seeking inspirations for a special gift for your art loving partner or a friend

There is nothing more special for an art loving person than to spend time playing with paints and art-supplies. You can always gift paints, special tools & art kits as there is never enough of these for us. 

Another excellent way to surprise your friend would be to take them on a surprise custom painting session at a destination of their choice. This can earn you several brownie points! 

Artistic endeavours are an excellent way to celebrate a special day. Here is an example of how I was gifted this experience by my husband.

My husband is a surprise planner but he surpassed all my imaginations & expectations with his heart warming gesture on my birthday.

As he told me, we were supposed to go out for the day to the Gold Coast to celebrate my birthday. However, in reality I had no clue what he had actually planned.

After halfway through our drive, I noticed we took a different route & reached a scenic resort. I now knew he was up to something and he told me that we were going to chill & celebrate in the resort.

We went to the room. It was a beautiful setting amongst the mountains with light rains adding to the overall beauty. I was convinced this was how we were spending our day.

But there was more to come! I heard a knock at the door and opened it to welcome staff members coming in with huge boxes of paints, canvasses, stands and all sorts of arty stuff. It was too much of unexpected activity for me to comprehend what was going on.

As it turned out, there was a private painting session planned in that romantic setting and we were going to paint together. Our instructor explained to me how my husband had been planning this for couple of weeks. Since I love moon and autumn colours, he even got a custom painting designed for the day to encompass them. It was an emotional moment for me and I was truly blown away by his gesture.

We had a fun filled day with lots of laughter & memories filled with colours. Best birthday ever! Not to forget, our identical paintings to always remind us of the special moments.

If you can feel my happiness in the pictures and in my description above, plan your next special day doing something arty for your special someone. It will be worth it!

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