Colours form an integral part of our lives.

Not only are they visually appealing, but they also have the power to define our mood, and how we feel when exposed to them.

Exposure to certain colours can create a specific aura or energy in the atmosphere.

Painting with different colours can have a different effect on how we feel during the process.

Here are some colours and what they can do to your mood.


Blue stands for tranquility. It is the most calming color around.

It stimulates calming chemicals in the body. Blue creates a feeling of trust and loyalty.

It enhances productivity!

Painting with blue colour makes you feel calmer, stable & at ease.


Green is the color of freshness, fertility, and growth.

It is a color that does not stress the eyes. Green also relaxes the nervous system & calms you down.

It enhances one’s mood and behavior.

Painting with green colour could decrease fatigue, depression & anxiety.


Red is an attention-grabbing colour.

It provokes the senses and makes us react faster.

It’s a great colour for enhancing creativity. It magnifies and intensifies the art-piece.

Painting with red colour makes you feel energetic, excited & vibrant.


Yellow is considered the happiest color among all colors in the spectrum!

It is the brightest color on the palette!

It is the color of happiness, mental clarity, optimism, cheerfulness, and energy.

Painting with yellow stimulates your brain & memory, and you feel happier.


Orange is a perfect combination of the heat of red and the happiness of yellow.

It is the color for refreshment and energy.

Colour orange is uplifting!

Painting with orange makes you feel joyous, enthusiastic & refreshed.


Purple stands for magic, mystery, creativity, and emotional balance.

It also stimulates dreams and intellectual creativity.

Violet color is mostly suggested for meditation, deep sleep, and calming an irritated mind.

Painting with purple could help you work with deep focus & increased concentration.


Colour pink is thought to be a calming color associated with love, kindness, and femininity.

Some shades of pale pink are described as relaxing.

Pink may evoke feelings of joy and happiness.

It is a happy color and it makes us feel creative.

When painting with pink colour, you feel calm, de-stressed, and joyful.


Colours have a deep impact on our brain & hence our feelings.

We feel a different connection with each colour.

It is important to remember that color associations are heavily affected by individual experiences and cultural influences.

They stimulate our brains differently.

When you paint, choose the colours based on how you feel.

This would help you enjoy the creation process even more.


Want to practise art relaxation with other art projects?

If you want to start at a basic level, download and print these colouring sheets and take out some time colouring them.

You may also give ‘Paint By Numbers‘ activity a try. You don’t have to worry about the art supplies, you have fun painting it and the end result is always great.

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