Benefits of gratitude journaling

When I was a kid, I remember one holiday assignment that our English teacher gave us. She asked us to document each day of our 6-week holiday in a dated journal. At that time, her aim would have been to help us improve our writing skills. However, I hated it! It felt like a chore, extremely boring and a waste of time.

It’s only in the last few years that I started writing again and kept a journal for my daily ramblings. I read somewhere that writing down everything exactly as it happened during the day helps you release stress and anxiety, and you get a chance to ‘talk’ to yourself.

This time, I practised it with seriousness, bought myself a lovely journal and dedicated about 30-40 minutes daily to writing everything down. To be honest, I didn’t feel any benefits. In addition, I never felt like writing that much every day especially when they were just ‘regular’ and ‘uneventful’ days.

‘The best time to begin keeping a journal is whenever you decide to.’ – Hannah Hinchman

Everything is different now!

Since the last 6 months, a structured journaling style has completely changed my life. I have been journaling daily, I feel an immense difference in my mindset, and I feel in control of my day. Bonus point, it hardly takes 10 minutes!

Without a doubt, gratitude journaling has been the biggest and the most beneficial step toward my journey of intentional and mindful living.

Here is what I write daily in my gratitude journal

  • 3 things that I am grateful for

This section helps me focus on my blessings, appreciate the goodness in my life and be thankful for what I have, thus shifting away the focus from what I don’t have. As simple and obvious as it sounds, developing this thought process works magic in dealing with difficult emotions.

  • 3 things that would make my day great

These are not items from my to-do lists. These are the things that will make me feel good if I am able to do them. This sets an intention for the day and helps me complete meaningful tasks that would make me happy.

  • A positive affirmation

It’s true, we become what we believe in. Writing positive affirmations for yourself and how you see your future life can bring in subtle subconscious changes that direct you in the right direction. This section does exactly that! All of us have the power to bring a change.

  • 3 highlights of the day

At night, reflecting on how my day went helps me live more intentionally. You realise there are rarely any days when nothing good happens. On most days, you find 3 or more highlights. This genuinely makes you feel good as you reap the benefits of intentional and mindful living. You start appreciating every ‘regular’ and ‘uneventful’ day.

  • 1 thing I’d like to change from the day

When we reflect, we often realise events we wish didn’t happen, or things we didn’t say. When we write those down, we are more mindful of improving ourselves by trying not to repeat them again. This section helps us be a better version of ourselves.


This structured gratitude journaling helps me document the crux of the day and makes it easier for me to live an intentional life.

When I journal, I ‘feel’ living each day mindfully rather than floating in a sea of uncontrollable events without any control.

Also, gratitude journaling nurtures the feeling of humility and reminds one of the beautiful life they have.

I have realised that life goes on at the pace it does. We hurry for the office, we hurry to come back, we binge-watch, we scroll social media for hours, etc. Unfortunately, that part cannot be drastically changed but if we bring in a bit more intention and mindfulness in the activities we do, it does feel better and more enjoyable.

Give journaling in this format a try and thank me later when you feel the difference yourself.

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