Are you living a stressful life? Do you feel you are running a race and can’t catch up with the world? Do you love your family & friends but sometimes crave some peace & quiet to calm yourself down?

Trust me, you are not alone. I feel the same and so do many other people I’ve interacted with.

There are various tools to help you relax, from practising yoga & meditation to listening to your favourite music, from going out on a walk to just sleeping-in.

One such tool is the power of creativity. We can use creativity to manage stress!

At this stage, you might think that you are not an artist and this post is not meant for you. On the contrary, this post is especially meant for you. So, keep reading.

You would have heard from artists or other creative people that creating their art is a stress reliever for them. That’s true!

But the research now suggests that anyone can reap calming benefits of creating art, whether you have experience in art or not.

What is also beautiful is that the studies do not discriminate based on the outcome of the art activity. The focus is on the process of creation and how it makes one feel, rather than the beauty of the final artwork.

Practising art & craft helps one manage difficult emotions better because it acts as a healthy distraction for the brain. When you practice art, you get into a state of ‘flow,’ similar to when practising yoga. This can be restorative in many ways by minimizing anxiety and helping you express yourself.

What’s required is that you take out about 15-20 minutes for yourself a few times a week. Or maybe a continuous 1-hour session over the weekend. The key is to be regular.

Now, you must be wondering which art activities should you try? The answer is, ANY, seriously! As long as you are immersed in doing it and enjoying the process, it helps you de-stress.

Here are some suggestions for you to try:

  • Paint a mandala – Painting a mandala helps you get into the process and brings your focus to the present. Here are other benefits of painting a mandala.
  • Create a repetitive pattern – When you draw or paint the same thing over and over to fill up the page, it’s called a repetitive painting. This requires less decision making and is relaxing.
  • Try Colouring books – These books help you if you are worried about your artistic skills. Just colour the intricate designs and enjoy the process. You can download free colouring sheets
  • Learn a new art form – If you are that arty type, it could really help if you learn a new form of art. This engages your brain and you get engrossed in something new.

Creativity helps you soothe your frazzled nerves, be mindful and helps you feel better in general. So, just give it a try by buying some art supplies and blocking some arty time in your life.

Source: Very Well Mind

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