There are days when things don’t go as you’d hoped for. It feels like nothing is in your control.

It could be the work situation, not being able to socialise as you’d want to or being worried about the health of your family & friends. It could also be not knowing when you’ll be able to travel or meet your loved ones – the reasons could be many!

While your issues may be temporary, not feeling in control of your day or your time is not a good feeling to be in and can make you feel anxious.

There are a few little things you can do to feel more at ease, feel more in control throughout the day.

5 small changes that you can make to feel calmer:

1. Start with your bed

Making up your bed in the morning as soon as you get up. This helps in starting the day with a subtle sense of control. It gives you a head start!

2. Stay away from your phone

Keeping your phone in the other room at night. This is to ensure that your phone is not the first thing you check in the morning as soon as you wake up. Try using an alarm clock or a smartwatch for the alarm.

3. Avoid multitasking

Doing at least one thing in the morning without multitasking. It could just be as simple as having your tea without watching TV or scrolling on the phone. This helps in a clear-headed start to your day.

4. Declutter your environment

Organise your work desk, or a drawer, or a shelf in your closet that you use/ see the most. It does help calm your nerves when you see some things are sorted.

5. Work with a checklist

Ticking off day-to-day tasks from your list is satisfying and makes you feel in control of your day. The list needs to be broken down into very basic tasks.

These little changes can make you feel more upbeat during the day. These trick your brain to feel at ease and you feel in control of your day.

It’s high time we prioritise our mental health. Mental health issues are not just about clinical depression or critical levels of anxiety. They are also about the feeling of anxiousness the entire day or a prolonged feeling of helplessness to not be able to control our present situation.

Making small efforts to change our lifestyle can reap great benefits, and we can feel lighthearted and at ease again.

Want to practise art relaxation with these projects?

If you want to start at a basic level, download and print these colouring sheets and take out some time colouring them.

You may also give ‘Paint By Numbers‘ activity a try. You don’t have to worry about the art supplies, you have fun painting it and the end result is always great.

If you are interested in a more advanced art challenge, you can try mandala painting for mindfulness.

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