Journey So Far

An ordinary girl with an ordinary story.

About Me

I am not a professional artist, neither do I practice art for my living. By heart & soul, I am a girl who is crazy about art & craft since her childhood. 

In school, I was among the very few students who waited for their art classes, I was the one who used to get first prize in craft competitions and I was the one who willingly took over my little sister’s art projects to work on them myself. 

I even remember how my parents encouraged me in ‘my pursuit of art’ by proudly putting my artworks to display in our living room area and how chirpy I used to be, showing my prized creations to friends & family.

When life moved on, I forgot something behind…

Childhood passed, classroom studies became more important, university projects took priority and office work, well that is always there to stay! What got lost while I achieved “success” in other fields of life was the feeling that I felt while being immersed in doing art activities.

I forgot how much I enjoyed painting that flowerpot which still sits in my parent’s living room, I forgot how happy I felt while creating that wall hanging with wooden straws & I forgot how much I cherished my little imperfect art pieces.

I forgot that feeling, that joy, that ecstasy!

When life moved on, I forgot something behind…

Childhood passed, classroom studies became more important, university projects took priority and office work, well that is always there to stay! What got lost while I achieved “success” in other fields of life was the feeling that I felt while being immersed in doing art activities.

I forgot how much I enjoyed painting that flowerpot which still sits in my parent’s living room, I forgot how happy I felt while creating that wall hanging with wooden straws & I forgot how much I cherished my little imperfect art pieces.

I forgot that feeling, that joy, that ecstasy!

It’s better late than never

I don’t remember what triggered it but somewhere around 5-6 years back I again started finding time for art from my busy work life.

I used to wait for Friday nights and weekends – not to go out to a pub or a restaurant but just to have that time for myself.

My love relationship with art has grown since then and having missed it for almost a decade in between, I enjoy and appreciate my hobby even more now.

Why Colours & Smiles?

Art & craft for me has changed definition lately. Sure, I enjoy it as a hobby but I have also started observing some subtle differences it has introduced in my life, my personality and even my work. I have started acknowledging its meditative and therapeutic benefits too. I strongly believe, making space for art in our lives can do wonders for each one of us.

Colours & Smiles is my humble attempt to encourage more & more people to lead a colourful, happy & artful life.

Spreading Smiles Through Art

We firmly believe that every child under 14 years of age should have exposure to art & creativity. Without art, their education is incomplete. While learning maths, science & language is essential, playing with colours and unleashing their creativity is no less important for their whole round development.

Since art supplies are expensive and seem frivolous to most families trying to meet their ends meet, we would love to take art to these children. For every sale made on Colours & Smiles, an art kit will be sponsored to an under privileged child in India. We hope to spread smiles through art!

We donate an art kit to an underprivileged child, for every artwork sold!


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Brisbane City
Queensland, Australia

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